March has been a month of relatively no snow; we are about 9″ below normal in snowfall. That said, we have had plenty for all the rest of the trips in spite of being very nervous many times the temps were in the 40’s. And the remaining trips were wonderful. 6th graders from Great River Montessori School, folks from Colorado, Marylalnd, Australia, California, Missouri, Oregon and mothers/daughters & aunt and niece to end the season with some great adventures including a night walk out in the woods and lots of attention for Lydia and Finn. It was inspiring and a privilege to have everyone join us and we appreciate it. Many many thanks to everyone who helped me this trip season. It was a joy to share trips with dear friends who love the dogs and Wintermoon and were such an asset with the groups. You are wonderful: DJ Erb, Chris Heeter, Chris Johnson/Claire Seekins/Wolf Moon Kennel, Cindy Gallea, Lynn Dohrmann, Renee Casey, Bobbi Zenner, Lynne Menturweck, Kim Keller, Sara Williams, Cassidy Gardiner, Mel Schneider, Laura Haack, Laura Heinisch, Laura Korynta, Alyssa Nelson, Alicia Hachfeld, Craig Johnson, David Olafson, Katie Ringer, Pam Thompson & Sherry Phillips. And many thanks again for all the wonderful gifts – alpaca socks, home-made mittens, earrings, leather bound journal, a great re-purpose journal, books, and lots of tasty treats & drinks. Our first trip this summer is Yoga June 1-3 with Laura Haack. It is 4 wonderful yoga sessions at Petrell Hall, our delicious meals, sauna and time for hiking, relaxing, …. there is no yoga experience necessary. Laura from is also doing a Yoga and fly fishing for women on the Brule River April 13-15 and has a couple openings. I know it will be a very fun time. Contact her from the website. We have a full summer of offerings: most weekends Kayaking in the Superior National Forest at Wintermoon Summersun. August 3-5 is Heart in the Earth – lots of outdoor/nature activities & speakers and Carpentry for Women is in June . On the website under Trips are dates and prices. It would be great to have you join us and share an adventure and time in nature. The huskies had a good winter with so many youngsters getting miles on and spending time in lead positions. Willow, Nikolai, Koyuk, Sitka, Sven and Akiak all are doing well up front and I will be trying Mooz, Olga & Amaroq soon. The husky highlight of the winter was Lena and Mooz’s puppy Finn born at the end of December. Perfect timing for the most attention to be devoted, especially since he was an only pup. He is doing well and has a pen outside now that he spends about one third time, then one third out playing with all the other dogs who he loves and is fearless about going up to all of them and one third still in the cabin. He sleeps in the cabin, splitting his time with Lydia and me. Lydia loved being the retired cabin husky and everyone, especially all the children, reciprocated, giving her lots of attention and walks. Thanks to everyone who let us know what Wintermoon was like for you and we are always open to suggestions. One of the mothers of the mother / daughter sent us this and info on a blog she wrote:
I’m hoping to send a real thank you soon, but I could not let another minute go by without writing. Since we pulled away from the dog yard, I’ve been thinking of you constantly and the magic of the weekend.Yes, the dogs were amazing and dogsledding was even better than I expected and I am contemplating adopting a retired sled dog named Finnegan from Ely (though I know we’re probably not the perfect home for him, so…). Every night, Beatrix and I talk about the dogs and what they might be doing. But the world you have built, that’s the real magic. The sense of peace in the woods. the sense of purpose of your place. The books. The incredible people. I did a blog post but it’s not quite the right description either: I didn’t know how much I needed that weekend in my life. I definitely want more. Bethany
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Sorry to anyone who checked the News last month as my web site was down a bit and then it was the “busy” of mushing, trips, trails, huskies, snow…… First a puppy update Puppy still doesn’t have a name but comes well to puppy. He is very friendly and full of mischief, doesn’t miss a thing to chew on, including everyone’s hands. And he loves following Lydia around although she is not as into it. Lena is back out in the dog yard and pulling in the teams and seems very happy about that. Puppy still lives in the cabin and has a little “quiet time” pen in the dining room. He is a sweet and adorable pup to have around and is getting quite socialized. Tonight under the full moon, I have been watching one of the bobcats eating at the chicken fat under the feeder. One night I saw all four, and many evenings, three were here together. We are guessing it is mom from last year and she had three offspring. They are smaller than most think, probably under 25 pounds and I don’t feel any threat to any of the dogs or people. Little white puppy is the only one I am concerned about. It has been a wonderful winter enhanced by getting two feet of fluffy snow in the last few weeks. It was perfect timing and the trails are soft and beautiful. This past Sunday, after almost a foot of new snow (and only a little snowshoeing on the trails), it was our four wonderful ten year old Inuits, Qimiq, Tillie, Trondheim and Lemmikki who led the four teams enthusiastically breaking trail, hearkening back to centuries of wilderness travel and returning with smiles on their faces. It was real mushing and the women loved it. It has turned a little warm this week and things are settling but still good. Two feet of snow and 40 degrees makes for amazingly “elastic” snow coming off the new sled shed at the station. There’s Tahti in the background.
Trips have been going great and so many wonderful women have joined us. The community formed and shared is one of the most precious experiences my huskies and I have and we thank everyone. We are also very happy that former handler Alicia will be joining us for the rest of the season ! And we couldn’t have offered the best of Wintermoon without the help of my amazing friends who join us and work so hard: many thanks DJ, Chris, Chris & the Wolf Moon Kennel huskies, Alyssa, Bobbi, Craig, Lynne, Mel, Laura, Laura & Laura AND David ! And fun plans are forming for this summer: Carpentry for Women June 22-24 Heart in the Earth August 3-5 Kayaking July 13-15, 20-22 – August 10-12, 24-26 – September 21-23 Kayaking and Yoga August 17-19 with me and Laura Haack Here’s what Laura will add to the weekend: “We will work specifically to release held tension in the trunk, shoulders and arms. We will spend time becoming aware of the current state of our bodies and minds and then work on releasing, relaxing and re-educating muscles to help them function more differently. Following that we will use classic hatha yoga poses to strengthen and practice balance.” And this upcoming weekend is Iditarod Start in Alaska. Last years handler Lynn is on her way up to watch all the amazing huskies and mushers and maybe she’ll share a few stories in the next news. She and Iditarod musher Cindy Gallea will be here to help with our final trip of the season, the mother and daughter. Enjoy the rest of your winter! Trip season has started ! the huskies are ready to run, the snow is good, the temps are plenty cold, trails are nipped and cleared, the dogs are all with the right new name … let the fun begin. Our first group was a wonderful three generations of the Braley family from Washington DC and MN who were hearty and great with the dogs. They had a fun time getting our dog location board all set up with the dogs in the right place and did it from memory. And they brought milk bones and kongs. Many thanks to Bobbi, Craig and David who came and helped us with the trip. And it was during this time, Dec 28 when the little Lena puppy boy was born. He is doing well and so is mom. It is not surprising he is white, as his mother and grandmother Olga are too. He reminds me of a lot of really nice white dogs I have known starting with Hildur and Petra’s father Toivo. Then there was Moon, Polar Bear, Kuu (Finnish for moon)…. he is following in some pretty big paws. Our second group included our first guest originally from the Netherlands. What fun to hear all the stories about her life there and cabin husky Lydia will miss her dearly as she basked in the attention and petting she got. Trondheim spent some nice time in the cabin with me around Christmas as he had a tumor successfully removed and was neutered. For a really big husky who runs and pulls very hard, he sure acclimated well to the couch. It has been fun to start putting the youngsters into the teams; they are all doing well however Monk really seems to relish being able to pull. And I can just tell with the wonderful snow we have now that the dogs seem very happy. Everyone really is pulling well. We do have a couple trips with openings – Jan 12-14 and Feb 16-19 if you would like to come and join in on the fun. We can use a little peace and sanity and grounding and caring in this world and dogs and nature, I have found, are a good source. I am beyond lucky to have so many dogs and live kind of in the middle of the woods.
Still have Calendars Available = Husky and Outdoor Loving Women go natural for the benefit of the huskies vet fund. $25. includes P & H |